Tuesday, February 05, 2008


Health Update -- February 2008

With one month of 2008 already behind us, here’s a quick health update to let you know how things have been going for us during my treatment for colon cancer.

How Is It Going? There have been some encouraging signs of progress. In the last month, I’ve remained pain free and have been able to continue my bi-weekly treatments of chemo-therapy. A CT scan on January 25 reported no new tumors and a reduction in one spot under my right rib. Blood tests show a decline in cancer cell activity (CA125) from 154 in October to 64 in December to 14 in January. I am enjoying participation in the “Well Fit” exercise program for cancer patients at the University of Waterloo (http://www.uwfitness.uwaterloo.ca/wellfit/). However, the side-effects (nausea, fatigue) of treatment have become more severe and post-treatment recovery has been more difficult this month.

January Activities. In January, Dianne returned to work relief, doing a number of 3 or 4 hour evening shifts at Christian Horizons. We were also able to travel to Ottawa for six days to visit our daughter, Rebecca; son-in-law, Max; and our grand-daughter, Emilie. We’ve also had a parade of welcome visitors who have encouraged us during these snowy winter months.

Employment/Ministry Update. At the time of my diagnosis, I was about to make a job or ministry transition. With the news of my illness, Outreach Canada, the mission agency with which we were serving, extended their employment commitment to us, helping us through a very difficult time. This past month, Dianne and I decided we want to remain with Outreach Canada long term. At present, I am on “leave of absence” due to the present course of treatments. Our disability benefits care for our financial needs and our small part of the OC ministry budget has already been fully pledged by donors for 2008! Dianne and I are very grateful for the pastoral care provided by OC. If you want to know more about our relationship with Outreach Canada, you can visit our blog at http://ggibson.blogspot.com or the OC web-site at http://en.outreach.ca.

Looking Ahead. According to my oncologist, treatments will continue every two weeks as long as I can handle them and they are making progress against the cancer. Although the future is unclear, we’re keeping an optimistic short term outlook. We’re planning something special every month so that we have something to look forward to.

Glenn A. Gibson

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