Sunday, December 23, 2007
December Health Update from Glenn
With Christmas coming, it’s time for a year end update on developments in my health and treatment for colon cancer.
How’s It Going? The last four weeks have gone well. Treatments have proceeded on schedule. I’ve had minimal side-effects. I was able on November 30 to attend the graduation of our son, Paul, from the Training Academy of the Toronto Fire Service as well as the Wilsher (Dianne’s) Family Christmas on December 15 in London, Ontario. I’ve enrolled in a “Well-Fit” exercise class for cancer patients (an hour on Wednesday and Friday) at the University of Waterloo. Dianne and I also walk a couple of mornings per week at the indoor track at the Waterloo Recreation Centre. I’ve had a lot of visitors and thoroughly enjoyed some deep conversations with many of my best friends. After the last chemo treatment (my 4th), I had my first bout of nausea and spent a night in various shades of green. But I’m feeling better now thanks to some effective medication.
Adjustment of Outlook. My attitude has been quite aggressive toward my illness. This has led to some times of private frustration toward my cancer symptoms and treatment side effects. Recently, a colleague dropped by our place with his daughter. She gave me a stuffed animal. Later that day,
Looking Ahead. We happy to have our daughter, Rebecca, and family here for a four day visit from Ottawa. The Gibson family Christmas on December 24 will be hosted by our son, Paul, and his wife, Heather, in their new home in Baden, Ontario. I’ll spend the last day of the year at my fifth chemo treatment and will then be assessed for progress following session #6 on January 14. Glenn Gibson