Sunday, April 02, 2006
Recognition Planned at Spring Convocation
This past week, I received a letter from the Alumni President at Emmanuel Bible College (where I graduated in 1975 and now am adjunct faculty) containing the following news:
"We want to extend an invitation for you and your wife, Dianne, to be our guest at the Graduation to be held on Saturday April 22, 2006 ... We look forward to this day and the privilege of joining the College and Alumni to honor you with the Delta Epsilon Chi Award. We want to recognize your outstanding work and leadership in Church Health and Revitalization here in Canada along with work accomplished over these past years in advancing the cause of Christ."
Upon reading this letter, one of my close associates responded with a quote from the comedian, Groucho Marx:
"I would refuse to join a club that would have me as a member!"
It's a privilege to be honored and is, perhaps, a sign of the troubled times in which we live ... GG