Wednesday, April 19, 2006
2nd Annual Ontario Church Planting Catalyzers Symposium - May 29, 2006
It was many years ago that my mom told me the joke, "What do you call a piece of paper with the words, 'holstein', 'angus', and 'jersey' written on it?" "A 'catalyst!'" was the answer that she gave.
Years later, 'catalyzer' is a word I use on almost a daily basis. It's "church planting" talk for a strategist who is responsible for starting new congregations. That's the kind of people I spend a lot of time helping in my ministry with Outreach Canada.
Last year, I brought over 70 such people together from across the province of Ontario for a one day symposium. It was so well received that I've accepted the task of organizing a second one and, just today, sent out the invitation to the "second annual symposium" on Monday May 29, 2006 to be held at the World Vision Canada conference centre in Mississauga. To learn more about this event, click here and then on "Ontario events" on the web page that pops up.
Thanks for praying for this important event aimed to stimulate the launch of more new congregations across the province! GG