Thursday, May 17, 2007


Catch the Memories ... Four Generations!

Last weekend, our family was together for the wedding of Dianne's niece, Sarah. It provided the opportunity to capture four generations digitally (click on the picture itself for a closer look). On the right is Ruth Wilsher, Dianne's mom with Dianne herself on the opposite side. In the middle is our daughter, Rebecca, holding her daughter, Emilie.

This Saturday, we will be celebrating Emilie's first birthday at her home in Ottawa. I hope it will present a few moments in which to record four generations on Dad's side of the family tree.

Time together and camera moments ... strategies for helping to create a sense of family identity and a tribal history! GG

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Convention Season Is Here Again!

The months of May and June are the season when ministry conferences and denominational assemblies are scheduled. Yesterday, I did a first workshop presentation entitled, "Mission Possible" at the "Refresh!" Conference underway at Wycliffe College in Toronto, ON. On June 6, I'm looking forward to presenting an introductory seminar on "coaching" at the Central Canada District Conference of the Christian and Missionary Alliance in Mississauga, ON. Then, right after (June 7 to 9), my colleague, Brian Baxter (pictured to the left) and I will be presenting three different workshops (Church Revitalization by Brian, Community Impact and Small Church Ministry by me) at the annual assembly of the Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec in Toronto. Then, Brian and I will be presenting Vision Renewal Coaches Training on June 13 to 15 at Willowdale Baptist Church in Toronto. For more information, click on the hyperlinks in this story. Thank you for your prayer support as we serve in this way. GG

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