Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Less Than $4,000 to Go -- Special Appeal Update!

With just two weeks to go in our 60 day $25,000 Special Appeal Campaign, the total stands at $21,113.34. Total pledges and donations at present stand at $15,790.08. The additional ministry income total is $5,323.26.

One of the things that running in local races has taught me in the last two years is now important it is to finish strongly! Help us cross the finish line. To those who have already responded, THANKS for your help. Keep cheering us on. If you are still considering your response, give us a call at 519-576-1659 or at Thanks for helping us make it to our goal!

Sunday, November 12, 2006


A "Matching Dollars Challenge" from a Ministry Partner!

Beyond our $25,000 'special appeal' goal toward our 2006 shortfall, we are also in great need of new monthly donation commitments to help fund our ministry in 2007. So far, only $70.00 per month in new commitments has been received so far during this campaign.

On October 31, we received this "matching dollar challenge" from one of our long time ministry partners:

"We'll match any new monthly commitments you get between today and November 30 to an aggregate maximum $200 contribution by us."

What does that mean? If you make a new monthly donation commitment for 2007 before the end of November, someone will match it with another dollar (until $200 in new monthly giving has been pledged)! For information, on how to make a 2007 monthly donor commitment, contact us at or 519-576-1659. This offer expires on November 30! Thanks for considering the "matching dollar challenge!" GG

Monday, November 06, 2006


Future Visioning with the United Brethren

On Saturday November 3, it was a privilege to provide three plenary sessions on "Future Visioning" for the annual conference of the United Brethren in Canada. The meetings were held in Kitchener, Ontario.

My three session were entitled "The Church (and Denominational) Life Cycle", "Canadian Trends in Congregational and Denominational Life", and "The Church You've Always Dreamed About ..." Each presentation involved small group discussion and report back time to the whole body.

At the end of the conference, their Bishop, Brian Magnus, scheduled two regional church cluster consultations in Ontario in early 2007. On January 13, I'm looking forward to meeting in Guelph with their leaders from the Waterloo-Wellington region and on January 27, we'll confer with their Niagara region churches.

For more information on the "Future Visioning" sessions on November 4, click here or contact me at or at 519-576-1659. GG

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Celebrating the Big 3-0!

On October 23, Dianne and I were in Ottawa to celebrate the 30th birthday of our daughter, Rebecca. Here's a photo taken during that weekend showing her family along with Mom and Dad.

Congratulations, Rebecca, upon reaching this age milestone!

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